/Merry Christmas everyone! It's been so wonderful seeing Luca experience it all and I can't imagine how next year will be. Hope you all have an amazing day spent with loved ones!
Thank you so much for reading and following along!!!
Merry Christmas everyone! It's been so wonderful seeing Luca experience it all and I can't imagine how next year will be. Hope you all have an amazing day spent with loved ones!
Thank you so much for reading and following along!!!
Holy guacamole this year has FLOWN BY! It honestly just feels like yesterday I shared our 2015 holiday photos and announced we were pregnant and now here are our 2016 photos with our almost 6 month old baby!!!!
Read MoreOh, hey there September! I cannot believe it is S E P T E M B E R!!!! I know I say that every month but's September and my baby will be THREE MONTHS OLD very soon! I'm sad to see summer go but we're getting to my favourite season...fall!
Bring on the pumpkin spice lattes (or these amazing pumpkin spice muffins...or these melt in your mouth pumpkin spice cookies), jacket weather, cozy blankets and leaves! James and I just started watching Stranger Things, and I'm so happy I waited because this time of year, I'm always craving a novel or show that's a little bit scary.
This month I'm also looking forward to going on some hikes with the Lion. We tried out our ergo in the August but it was waaaaay too hot so now that it's cooled down, I can't wait to get out and explore.
Another thing I'm looking forward to is the launch of our GT Westhills campus!! If you live out in the Westshore, be sure to check it out...we launch Sunday, September 11th at 10am in the new Belmont High School.
Oh September, I have a feeling you're going to be a good one!
Oh, look how far we've come. Four years of marriage and here I sit at 5:30am pumping and typing while you feed our baby. Real life babe. It's not as glamorous as our year two celebration at that gorgeous cabin on the ocean or our couple's massage, amazing dinner and hotel stay last year. It will be our first anniversary where we actually stay in our own home and as soon as we do get home from dinner, I may have to feed a crying baby. But you know what, this is my favourite one yet.
Because this year is different from the rest. We've seen vulnerability in each other on a whole new level. You saw me at my worst but yet my best moment as I brought our boy earth side and you loved me even more. Do you know how much it meant to me when you said that was the greatest moment of your life? Hollywood and society has made birth to be something that's messy and gross. It is messy, but it ain't gross. People say "you'll never see your wife the same way" and they mean that to be a bad thing. That saying is true for us but instead of it being a bad thing, it's a good thing.
I see myself different in your eyes now. You told me I was your hero and that you were so proud of me. You told me I was stronger than ever. And even more beautiful than before. And I believed you love. I still believe you. You took care of me when I was a mess, emotionally and physically, a big ol mess...with all the difficult things postpartum life brings. You did drugstore runs, getting what no man ever wants to be seen with at the checkout. And you did it without complaining because you love me.
Ha, boy did Hollywood get it wrong. Even though I weigh much more now than I did on our wedding day, I can see more love in your eyes. It's deeper, it's stronger, it's more.
We're proving the world wrong love. Marriage after a baby is a beautiful thing.
And the way you love our son. Oh, my heart melts seeing him light up when you're around and then looking at you, looking at him. Stick a fork in me, I am done. It's just too much.
And it's been hard, excruciating hard. I've yelled too many times. I've cried, you've cried, there have been oceans of tears. But he's shaping us, I see it, you see it. God's shaping us to be more like him. As we figure out this parent thing along with this marriage thing we're experiencing more and more of his grace. We're learning how crucial it is to depend on him.
As we grow we're both becoming more aware that we have no idea what we're doing but I think that's exactly where he wants us. That way our pride is stripped away and we realize just how much we need him and each other.
So happy to be on this beautiful, messy, scary yet exciting journey with you.
Love you more than ever.
Happy Anniversary,
All photos by AMERIS
While Joy, Ryan & Sebastian (Jame's sis & famjam) were in town, James' parents arranged a family photo session and the pictures turned out so well! Sebastian and Luca are only six months apart and I defs see a cousin resemblance! Can't wait to see them running around chasing after each other next summer.
Ok, how beautiful is the Liira family!!!
All photos were taken by Spark Photography and I would definitely recommend them. Chris was super friendly and great at directing us as well!
Happy Monday :)
I'm Laura. Wife, mama, pastor, diy-er + chocolate addict who's just trying to change the colour on your mood ring. Thanks for stopping by, XO!
© 2017 S.S. Heart. All rights reserved. If you want to use a photo, please contact me for permission! Let's keep it real. xo.