
How about that lilac though? The lilac trees are blooming all over my city and it makes me so happy. I really want to plant one of these beauties in the future!!

I have today off (!!!!) so I'm pretty pumped to get a jump start on the weekend. I have plans to hang with one of my besties, hit up a baby store and do some projects around the house. I borrowed a friend's battery charger so I can finally shoot and show you the progress on the nursery and the complete bathroom before! Our tile floor arrived and we are getting sooo excited to start this reno....it's crazy because after reno, it will be a few weeks until the lion comes...sooo insane!!!

I can't believe I'm 32 weeks pregnant. Next week I'll post my 8 month pregnancy update but man, time is flying by!!! We had another amazing prenatal class this Tuesday and man oh man, it's getting REAL! We assembled our stroller (we bought this one with the tan fabric off Used Victoria and love it so far) and my heart melts whenever I look at it. So excited for summer walks with my boy eeeeeeee!!

I defs took advantage of the Sephora sale earlier this week. I didn't get any new blush but I did go with this foundation instead of this one. I'll try it out this weekend and report to you on Monday how it is!

Okay swimsuit season is coming up and I'll be rocking the postpartum bod so I'm in search of a cute one piece...how sweet is this one (in black obvs)? I love how J Crew gives you every option in each pattern! And oh my gosh, have you seen these ban.do pool floaties

I'm 100% obsessed with snapchat these days. Seriously, I'm on it more than instagram lols. I'm posting lots of stories, so follow along if you like baby things and cats and flowers lols (@lauraliira)

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!






Hello Friday!

First of all, sorry for the lack of posting!! Work has been busy, my night's have been filled with things and when I'm finally ready to sit down and write it's past 10pm and my body is like SLEEEEEP. But work calms down a bit later this month so here's to hoping I'll be posting a bit more! 

I have so much to tell you. We're reno-ing our bathroom at the end of this month! The nursery is half done! I have big plans to do awesome posts but I can't flipping find my camera battery charger anywhere so I haven't been able to take photos :(

I went to chiro yesterday and it was the best. I'm all about that cracking..and getting the bod ready for birth. James and I started our pre-natal classes at the hospital this week and wow, we learned so much and still have three more classes! I'm 31 weeks pregnant which means baby liira arrives in 9ish weeks (AHHHHH!!) James has been in full on nesting mode and it's finally starting to hit me aka I washed the bugaboo cover last night...that counts right???

Any of you guys hitting Sephora this weekend to take advantage of the sale? I'm in need of my concealer, foundation, and moisturizer...but that's all too boring so I may purchase a new blush because it's spring :)

Speaking of spring...it's gorgeous here in Victoria! Oh and Vogue posted about my good ol city (so random, but yay!!) 

Hope you all have a great weekend!





image via

It's FRIDDAAAAY! For some reason this week felt exceptionally long but I think it's the new exhaustion I have acquired from entering the third trimester! My belly is getting BIG and carrying around all that extra weight is making me one tired cookie. He's also waking me up in the middle of the night lately by having a dance party in my belly...I'm all about dance parties but not at 2am baby boy. Can't believe it's 13ish weeks until I get to kiss his sweet cheeks...eee!

So got any plans for the weekend? James and I are in full out nesting mode so I'm hoping to get a few things done around the house! If you follow me on snapchat, you'll see that he surprised me by doing a diy ombre to a dresser we bought off used vic! It's beautiful. Courtney came over last night and helped me plan out the nursery/studio. So I am getting amped to start decorating!!

I ordered this from Target and cannot wait to put it above his crib! I also ordered these plates & these plates for my shower because they're just too cute.

Spring is in the air around here! We've been getting some nice sunshine but also a ton of rain showers...no surprise there! I checked out the Essie Spring Collection and it just seems a bit too summery for me (not pastel-y enough for my liking) but I do dig this shade. I have zero inspiration to buy spring clothes because these days I just want to be in my H&M maternity legging/pants and a t-shirt. So please buy some white jeans so I can live vicariously through you....!!!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 





Happy Friday!! Wowza, this week flew by and now I'm in my 24th week of pregnancy!!! 4 more weeks and I officially enter the third trimester...ahhhhh!! June still feels like ages away so I'm not freaking out too much.

We have our girl's conference next weekend...ILLUMINATE! I'm so excited. It's going to be a crazy week but all the hard work will be so worth it.

This afternoon I'm heading to our church's Couples Retreat with my sweetheart! Looking forward to hearing from amazing speakers, spending a night in a wonderful hotel and hanging out with my love.

The cherry blossoms are blooming all over our city and spring is in the air....thank you LORD! Also driving home at 5:30pm and it's still light out...PTL! With Spring coming, I'm craving pastel lip colours...like this one and this one and ohhh I need a new one of this one as I'm almost totally out.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!




Happy Friday everyone! This week feels bizarre to me because we escaped for a little baby moon in Ucluelet Monday-Wednesday and now all of a sudden, it's Friday....! But yay for the weekend...oh and if you're blessed to live in BC, it's a long weekend round these parts with family day on Monday! I don't have a ton of plans, which is perfect because I need some time to putter around the house...HELLO NESTING!

  • I've continued to pin all things nursery!! I can't wait for it to be April, so I can start working on The Lion's room. (Check out what I'm dreaming about here!)
  • I'm also hoping to get some baking on this weekend....these meyer lemon scones from How Sweet Eats look so DELISH.
  • With my growing belly, my desire to buy clothes has gone down a lot!! But I'm definitely seeing my need for more open sweaters/shirts that I can throw over a t-shirt. This one and this one are catching my eye.
  • All the little hearts everywhere is getting me excited for Valentines Day. Tonight I'm planning on making some cute cards for you to print out and give to your sweetheart or BFFS, so watch out for those on Monday!


Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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